What is Google Adsense? How We Make Money with Google Adsense?
Google AdSense is a program in which enterprises can display Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engine s. Google AdSense represents businesses of all sizes worldwide in multiple languages. AdSense is a refinement and expansion of the concept behind banner -ad sharing arrangements that have been in use for years.
How Much Can You Earn With AdSense?
The commission you
receive per click
depends on how much
advertisers are
paying Google for
the particular ad.
You will earn a
share of that
amount. I've heard
of earnings anywhere
from 2 cents to $15
per click.
Getting over $1 is probably very rare, although it does happen from
time to time. However, you will find that most of your earnings will be
on the lower end of the spectrum.
It's important to note that I cannot estimate how much you will earn based on your traffic. People always want to know what the average amount is per click.
No one knows the answer to this except Google, so don't let anyone
try to tell you any different. It would be impossible for myself or any
AdSense publisher to give this information because the ads all cost
different prices and we have no idea what advertisers are paying.
However, there are some niches that obviously pay more. So it is logical to
believe that keyword
phrases like sex, make money, etc. may earn you more
per click since
these are highly
competitive keywords
that are searched
for quite a bit on
The more competitive the search term, the more the advertisers pay and the more you earn as a publisher.
Even though Google
will not reveal how
much you are earning
for each ad that is
clicked from your
site, you can still
login to your
account at any time
and see the total
amount of revenue
you've generated
that day, week,
month, year, etc.
For example, if you
see that you've made
$12.60 today from 9
clicks then you can
calculate that your
average click-thru
commission was $1.40
per click. That's
as detailed as their
stats will get.
Also remember,
that's only an
average. You
know how much each
specific ad brought
The amount you'll
earn also depends
largely on the
amount of targeted
traffic you receive
to your own site,
how well the ads
match your
audience's interests,
the placement of the
ads on your pages,
and of course the
amount you receive
per click.
Ideally, you should
create a site on a
topic you know a lot
about. That way
you'll have a much
easier time creating
a generous amount of
content on that
Not Getting Approved?
People often ask me why they can't get approved for
AdSense. It's tough to answer because I do not work for Google, so I can
only guess.
Many times it's because there are not enough pages on your
website. I tell people to shoot for at least 20-30 pages at the very
minimum, and make sure your content is very niche -- centered around ONE topic.
Google doesn't like sites that cover too many different
topics because it's hard to target ads. The more focused your content
is, the better.
In addition to more content, aim for longer articles (at
least 700 words or more). Google does not like "thin" content sites that
look as if they were created just for AdSense. Put some meat on those
bones and make it look as if you put some effort into your website!
Also, check your grammar, spelling, layout etc. Remember
you are partnering with Google and they don't like to see messy sites
with poor/confusing navigation structures.
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